315 "Dębliński" Dywizjon Myśliwski - Hawker Hurricane MkI 1941r.
I ciekawostka dotycząca samoloty o nr P2827:
Hawker Hurricane P2827 - 07/07/1941
Flying Officer Jerzy Michal Czerniak of No 315 (Polish) Squadron was approaching the airfield to land in Hawker Hurricane No P2827, when his engine failed, as he was unable to make the runway due the angle of decent being to steep he crashed onto the airport boundary fence, completely destroying the aircraft, fortunately Flying Officer Czerniak was uninjured.
Flying Officer Czerniak was killed on the 9th August 1941 when flying Supermarine Spitfire No P8506, he was believed to have been shot down by Bf 109's whilst escorting Blenheims to Hazebrouck. Flying Officer Czerniak who was born in March 1913 and was in the post war Polish airforce, he was posted to No 302 Squadron at Leconfield in August 1941 and the moved to No 315 Squadron at Leconfield in January 1941. He was awarded the KW in December 1940 and two bars in October 1947.
"Oto widzę ojca swego. Oto widzę matkę swoją, siostry swoje i braci. Oto widzę długi szereg tych, którzy byli przede mną. Oto ich zew, bym zajął wśród nich miejsce w Valhalli... gdzie bohaterowie żyją wiecznie."