Anniversary Gazali 2013
On Sunday 17 Deceber, our group once again had the honor to help veterans Independent Carpathian Rifle Brigade in the organization of the Mass on the anniversary of the Battle of Gazala. It was the 72nd service for the intentions of the soldiers who died during the attack on the Gazala. The service attended four former soldiers of the brigade: Col. Francis Szuta, Col. Zdzislaw Picheta, Col. Ludwik Szczotka, Col. Kazimierz Szydło. Association of Former Soldiers 3 Carpathian Rifle Division was represented by the secretary, Mrs. Kazimiera Janota-Bzowska. With the Polish Embassy arrived Consul General Ireneusz Truszkowski and Lt. Col. Ryszard Tomczak. Surprisingly, visiting London, historian doctor Andrzej Kunert also showed up.
After the Mass, with the help of the parish priest Marek Reczka, who let us a room, we invited people willing to listen to the stories of the Carpathian Brigade veterans. After praying for the dead in Tobruk and Gazali veterans „bombarded” us with stories and anecdotes from the front lines. And due to the brigade who aren't to be down, the audience did not stop laughing
Day finished with dinner, which apart from analyzes warfare between 1941 we found the time for lighter topics. It is an honor for us to be able to discuss such matters with the heroes of our childhood books.